The notorious Senator Arlen Specter, 80, finally met the end of his career path last night when lost his bid for reelection in a primary contest to Rep. Joe Sestak. The former lawyer, turned prosecutor, turned Senator made a name for himself working on the Warren Commission and helped them to solve a major problem with their lone gunman theory. He created the famous single bullet or “magic bullet” work-around. Which is basically, having one bullet pull double-duty inflicting all wounds on both President Kennedy and Governor Connally. Basically, too few shots to account for the many wounds. If not, there has to be an additional shooter and that means a conspiracy; waters the Commission dared not wish to sail in.
An investigation of Arlen Specter’s work display the work of a hired gun, as all lawyers are. Under the pretense of searching for the truth, Specter is working behind the scenes to make sure the truth never comes out. And at that, he succeeded greatly. I have the feeling though, that he is not working alone. I think somebody put him up to this. But who that would be is a matter of ongoing investigation. The idea that a ballistics argument is being used to solve the case from a non-ballistics expert, is a joke. It comes from a lawyer for Heaven’s sake!
Expert Witness Testimony Tossed
And why is that? Because Specter made sure expert witness testimony and evidence that contradicted the single bullet scenario would be presented. A good example was the hiring of two of the best experts on ballistic wounds: Drs. Joseph Dolce, and Friderick W. Light, Jr., both of the Biophysics Division of the Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland. Dr. Dolce had been chairman of the Army’s Ballistic Wounds Board and had been studying gunshot woods since the war. Using Oswald’s rifle fired by a top Army marksmen, they test fired bullets into the wrists of ten cadavers. Their results were conclusive—all of the 10 bullets fired were in Dolce’s words, “markedly deformed” showing the mushrooming shape that bullets display when striking dense objects such as bone. None of them resembled CE 399. It was their conclusion that a single bullet could not caused all of Governor Connelly’s wounds and come out looking that clean. Dolce reported this at an April 12 conference that included Dr. Light, some FBI agents, one Commission member, John McCloy, Drs. Shaw and Gregory (Connelly’s doctors at Parkland), and a host of Commission attorneys that included Arlen Specter. Dolce would later state that Specter lobbied the most vigorously for the single bullet at the conference. (As if he were the expert.)
Dr. Dolce was never subpoenaed to testify under oath for his findings nor was the evidence from his and Dr. Light’s experiment included in the 26 volumes of evidence. None of this was known till Dolce gave an interview in the 1980s. No following investigation, such as the HSCA, called him to testify either. At any rate, Arlen Specter made sure the Warren Commission would never hear from such a witness. This is just one of many instances of his machinations.
The Two FBI Agents
Two of the most compiling witnesses against the lone gunman theory are FBI agents James Sibert and Frank O'Neill. They were present for the duration of Kennedy’s autopsy at Bethesda. By all accounts it was a mess to conduct an procedure like an autopsy in. The operating room was filled with military brass from all military services, FBI agents, Secret Service agents, doctors, and various technicians.
Being trained observers Sibert and O'Neill took careful notes. Their FD 302 report reflected this: One, there was a massive blow-out to the rear, right of Kennedy's head. And two, his back wounds did not transit through the body exiting the front thorax. Obviously, a hot potato for Arlen Specter. As soon as he read the report he made sure they would not be asked to give testimony to the Commission and he also had their FD 302 report buried in the national archives so it would not appear in the 26 volumes of evidence and hearings. Of course you can read it now, online and see what Specter sought to cover-up.
Years later author William Law interviewed both Sibert and O'Neill for his book, In The Eye Of History. Both men stood by their earlier testimony. Both were annoyed with Specter and felt he had maligned their work and observations at the autopsy. Sibert complained that Specter in his book, Passion For Truth, made numerous errors from getting their surnames misspelled (Siebert and Oneal) to claiming the agents documented two bullets hitting Kennedy and one striking Connally. Sibert denied that and it is not in their report. He said Spector accused him of not taking notes at the autopsy. Not only is this not true, but Sibert still had his notes and read from them in his interview with Law. Specter also claimed that O'Neill made some notes but destroyed them. Also, not true.
Frank O'Neill and James Sibert have since passed on. Needless to say, neither man believed in the single bullet theory because of their expert witnessing of the President’s wounds. Also, neither man had a high opinion of Arlen Specter. They were more than happy to testify to the Assassinations Records and Review Board in the late 1990s. They needed to set the record straight because of Specter’s disrespect.
Your comeuppance was long in coming Mr. Specter. But it finally arrived.
Law, William, In The Eye Of History; ARRB interviews; www.history-matters.com
Interview with James Sibert in 2005.