Monday, February 23, 2009

A Few Words on the Passing of Francis O'Neill Jr.

Retired FBI agent Francis X. O'Neill Jr., met the fate that awaits us all on February 6, at the age of 85. He, along with fellow FBI agent Jim Sibert (still with us, 90), were the only agents assigned to witness the autopsy of President John Kennedy. Their FD 302 report can be read at Mary Ferrell. He was a life-long supporter of the lone gunman theory despite stating in the report that surgery had been done to the top of Kennedy’s head. Words he would later regret and recant.

One controversial moment occurred when O'Neill seized film from a navy corpsman who allegedly did not have a proper security clearance. O'Neill exposed the film to light destroying the images. Did O'Neill not consider the man was under orders to take photos? And by exposing the unprocessed film he was destroying material evidence?

He had a full life from a War II as a paratrooper to FBI agent to being elected to the Connecticut House of Representatives. RIP, Mr. O’Neill.

Obituary in the Boston Globe.