Sunday, January 31, 2010

Marguerite Oswald as Doppelganger?

As I stated in my four-part series, Lee Oswald Was A Weird Dude, I have some issues with Lee Oswald doppelganger theory. You start out with the general strangeness of the concept followed by other mysteries that can never be fully resolved. Such as, what happens to the other Oswald after the assassination? Is he killed by the conspirators? Does he get his face rearranged and sent on other covert missions? Is he set up in a witness protection program? If he is being impersonated it starts out as a teenager. That would mean there needs two mothers being impersonated as well. And they have to resemble each other. So now you have in play two moms and two sons. As Hunter S. Thomson once said, “When the going gets weird the weird turn pro.” No doubt this is the case here. If Oswald-as-double is wacky, give them each a mom and the horse has just been thrown off the cliff.

The Records and the Witnesses
The witness testimony forms two different, though consistent portraits of Marguerite Oswald. One group has her a tall, attractive woman with a pleasing personality. The other group describes her as short, overweight, poorly dressed, with a throughly unpleasant personality. Many people having known Marguerite just a few years before the assassination were surprised with her looks after her picture was splashed through the press. When one witness who knew the short, heavy Marguerite is shown a picture of the tall, thin, attractive one they often can’t recognize the Marguerite they knew. Just note of the pictures above. The Marguerite from 1945 is tall, slim and trim. The Marguerite from 1963 is short and squatty.

Marguerite Oswald lived a nickel to dime existence for most of her life. Of her three marriages, two ended in divorce and one by death (Lee and Robert’s dad). Most of her jobs were in retail sales or home nursing. She apparently did a lot of “off the books” employment. She never stayed at an employer for very long. Despite a life teetering near poverty she never had a problem buying a house and bought and sold many. The questioning of finances is one issue but the things she does with the houses are another. In her brief time living with Lee in New York she worked menial jobs while at the same time owning a house in Ft. Worth, Texas. She apparently did not consider renting it out and using those funds to finance living in New York. She eventually sold it to a neighbor after they asked if it were for sale. Or in 1950 when she wrote her son from her first marriage, John Pic, telling him she was two months behind in rent when she had bought a house in 1948. Why rent another place when she owned a house? Or for that matter, have the income to do such a thing.

Also of interest is Marguerite Oswald’s employment at the Dolly Shoe Company in the spring of 1955. She was known for being unfriendly, a constant complainer, and never smiled. This was the short, heavy woman the world would meet after the assassination. She got her boss to get Lee a job as well. Being the cashier, eventually her boss required her to be bonded. He handed her the forms to fill out, which she never did. Nor would she give a straight answer as to why not. Eventually she was fired. Of course, filling out the forms would leave a paper trail. It would also require Marguerite to give background information and references on herself, revealing things she might not want known. Would a bond application create a conflict with another Marguerite?

In 1960, two women that were good friends with Marguerite Oswald, Mrs. Logan Magruder and Mrs. Oris Duane both reporting meeting her in New Orleans. (This was the tall, attractive version.) Both women spoke to her at the time. Mrs. Magruder saw and chatted with her while working in Kreiger’s Department store and Mrs. Duane saw and spoke to her in Goldring’s Department store selling dresses. A conflict arrises here as the Warren Commission states that Marguerite was supposed to have moved out of New Orleans in June of 1956 to Ft. Worth, Texas never to return. In September of 1960 she moved to Boyd Texas, north of Ft. Worth and opened a small variety shop on Main street and opened a bank account at the Continental State Bank. Yet, here are two women who had been friends with Marguerite since the 1940’s who say they saw and spoke to her where she should not have been. Apparently the FBI never investigated this lead in Louisiana.

Peculiarities Abound
Marguerite Oswald, in every interview either with government authorities to newspaper reporters often gave conflicting testimony about her life and related events. When interviewed by a New York probation officer in relation to Lee being truant, she gave conflicting accounts of her life. She got at least five things wrong, from the number years she had been married (a total of 13 years from three marriages but she said 9) to getting Lee’s birth date wrong. What mother does not know her own child’s birthday? At the age of 44 it seemed as if she did not know her own life story on many different levels. Perhaps that is because this “Marguerite” was an impostor with too much to remember?

Marguerite’s Warren Commission testimony is likewise filled with contradictions and misstatements that are for the most part, ignored by her questioners. To read the transcript of her testimony is to see a woman with an annoying character, a babbler, constantly rambling off the point, always in need of being herded back on the right path. At one point she mislead the Commission when she was asked if any FBI agents had spoken to her before the assassination. She said no. This was not true. She was visited in regards to her son’s defection to the USSR once in 1960, and twice in 1961. An odd thing to lie about as it is so easily proven. Or, this could just have been the misstatements of an impostor not knowing or remembering pertinent facts.

By the time she got around to telling the Commission she thought her son Lee was spy, they had written her off as a kook. At this point she had discredited herself in their eyes with her meandering testimony and oddball theories. As one of the Commission member’s said, we can see how the son turned out with a mother like this.

What Happens Afterward?
One of my main conflicts with the Oswald doppelganger theory as I stated earlier in their piece, is what happens to the other Oswald after the assassination. Even John Armstrong who wrote the definitive book on the Oswald being a doppelganger in, Harvey and Lee, doesn’t deal with these troubling issues. Armstrong has nothing to say in regards to what happens to the other “Marguerite” afterward either, other than stating that the woman seen by her friends working in department stores in New Orleans disappears from the scene. If this is a CIA run operation it seems inconceivable that they would hire such a batty woman as Marguerite Oswald to be an operative. On the other hand, her IRS returns are sealed from 1956-1962. Marked “referred...postponed in full...” for reasons only the government knows we are not allowed to see these records. Why? Opening those files to public access might explain a lot--or else create more mysteries. Is this a cover for an operation? (Lee’s tax returns also locked up from 1956-1962 and listed as “referred...postponed in full.”) Ironic that while this is concealed from the public, we are allowed to see Jack Ruby’s mother’s dental records.

It is also of note that a John and Minnie Smith have their returns from this same period also sealed and marked, “referred...postponed in full.” Getting access to this couple’s tax returns might blow open a few lids. Were John and Minnie Smith aliases for the other Marguerite and Lee? In fact, I find this to be one of the most peculiar and obscure mysteries of the Kennedy assassination and not well investigated. I only read about it in Amstrong’s Harvey and Lee and no place else.

If it was some sort of intelligence operation it was done on the fly, make it up as you go along. For example if I let one Lee Oswald go to the barbershop, I would have him go on the weekends, not during a week day when his employment records indicate he was filling out orders in the school book depository building at the same time. The same exact thing occurs with his mother, working in department stores in New Orleans when she is living and employed in Ft. Worth. There is a large witness trail here, far too large to be a fluke. It’s a scary part of the research and many fear to tread here. It is truly fringe work.

There are still millions of files that are sealed on this case. Of course, many files have been destroyed but every so often a little known memo surfaces. So at some future date we may learn more, a lot more of what really went on here. Whatever the future brings, the doppelganger issue may be the biggest secret of the Kennedy assassination and why the cover up is so systemic in our government.

Sources: Armstrong, John, Harvey and Lee; Marrs, Jim, Crossfire; Douglass, James, JFK and the Unspeakable

Warren Commission Transcripts: and

Marguerite Oswald interview after the publication of the Warren Report

Friday, January 22, 2010

FOX Bones TV Show Sides With Warren Commission

Bones, a TV program on the Fox network is another one of those ever popular forensic investigation shows. Over the past week they have been advertising it very heavily showing clips of the team investigating evidence into the Kennedy assassination. Naturally, I decided to watch the show as I assumed they might side with the government’s side of the events. I was not to be disappointed in my assumption.

The Show
Without getting too deeply into the show’s plot, which was is mess, filled with unresolved mysteries, vague objectives and an inane subplot, the Bones forensic team finds itself under lock-down by a federal agency that shows up with a skeleton. The mission--find out information on skeletal remains, though it was unclear what that information would be, nor are they allowed to determine the identity of the individual. After a while it dawns on the team of experts that this might be the bones of John F. Kennedy. The remains had spinal problems, a defect on a vertebra from a “transiting shot” and a large hole in the back of the skull. Examining the damage to the cranium they determine a fatal bullet shot from the rear.

Researching further, they download an computer animation from the DOJ of Kennedy being assassinated. Curiously it looks just like one of Dale Myers’ animations that have been shown on plenty of those Discovery Channel specials. Myers work is controversial and researcher Pat Speers has done a remarkable job analyzing Myers’ animations much to his discontent. Check out Pat Speers’ site HERE and my article (Dale Myers and Pat Speer Duke it Out) HERE.

If all of this isn’t far-out enough for the producers of this show, members of the forensic team find a secret passageway to retrieve a copy of the alleged assassination rifle, the Mannlicher-Carcano, so they can do a live firing test on a melon. Whereby they determine there was probably a second shooter and hence, a conspiracy. One of the team members, Booth, a former military veteran, cannot grasp the fact that government would lie to the American people and cover up the assassination of a President. Finally a test is performed on the bones to determine the body is not Kennedy’s after all, much to the relief of Booth. Who the bones belong to is never explained nor why this exercise is done is never made fully clear.

This is my first viewing of Bones and my last.

Test firing of the melon from the Bones TV program. Notice the rear skull wound is via the Warren Report and not from the numerous witness accounts of a massive blow-out.

What Do We Have Here?
The Bones episode on this matter is silly to the point of absurdity. To have a skeleton supposedly that of a slain president (never mind the problems of getting the body exhumed), complete with similar anatomical issues that finally turns out not to be JFK allows for an easy way out. No need to create doubt in the official FBI/CIA story and get in trouble with anybody. I’m sure the producers don’t want to end being up raked over the coals like say, Oliver Stone, now do they? I don’t know why they still bother. A majority of the public does not support the government’s claims and believe in a conspiracy in the death of John F. Kennedy. Trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. But they never give up do they?

I thought it of interest that despite tackling this subject never once was the Warren Commission mentioned, Oswald’s name, the name of the rifle, or any other information along these lines. It’s the unmentionables. Naturally, the one Bones team member that believed in the conspiracy is defined as paranoid and hence, a kook. That is of course predictable.

It is intriguing that the Fox network would even want to wade into the muddy waters of the Kennedy assassination. One thing is for certain is that the mainstream media in this country has always treated the Warren Report as if it is the final word, above reproach, no matter what evidence to the contrary is uncovered and no matter how flawed the initial investigation was. What television shows like this do is perpetuate the myth of John Kennedy’s demise, according to the officially sanctioned narrative. I assumed they would side with the government’s version of events and they did. It’s as predictable any any network documentary into the subject, or any of the shame investigations created by the Discovery Channel.

The Bones episode on this matter is silly to the point of absurdity. To have a skeleton supposedly that of a slain president (never mind the problems of getting the body exhumed), complete with similar anatomical issues that finally turns out not to be JFK allows for an easy way out. No need to create doubt in the official FBI/CIA story and get in trouble with anybody. I’m sure the producers don’t want to end being up raked over the coals like say, Oliver Stone, now do they? I don’t know why they still bother. A majority of the public does not support the government’s claims and believe in a conspiracy in the death of John F. Kennedy. Trying to convince them otherwise is a waste of time. But they never give up do they?

I thought it of interest that despite tackling this subject never once was the Warren Commission mentioned, Oswald’s name, the name of the rifle, or any other information along these lines. It’s the unmentionables. Naturally, the one Bones team member that believed in the conspiracy is defined as paranoid and hence, a kook. That is of course predictable.

It is intriguing that the Fox network would even want to wade into the muddy waters of the Kennedy assassination. One thing is for certain is that the mainstream media in this country has always treated the Warren Report as if it is the final word, above reproach, no matter what evidence to the contrary is uncovered and no matter how flawed the initial investigation was. What television shows like this do is perpetuate the myth of John Kennedy’s demise, according to the officially sanctioned narrative. I assumed they would side with the government’s version of events and they did. It’s as predictable any any network documentary into the subject, or any of the shame investigations created by the Discovery Channel.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Cognitive Infiltration

 Cass Sunstein

By now, Cass Sunstein’s comments on “cognitive infiltration” have made the rounds. A phrase coined by Sunstein, a former Harvard law professor and currently the Administrator of the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. Along with coauthor Adrian Vermeule, these characters tackle the issue of conspiracy believers in their article, Conspiracy Theories: Causes and Cures."

A paragraph from the article, quoted in Marc Estrin’s blog, The Rag Blog is quoted as follows:

[W]e suggest a distinctive tactic for breaking up the hard core of extremists who supply conspiracy theories: cognitive infiltration of extremist groups, whereby government agents or their allies (acting either virtually or in real space, and either openly or anonymously) will undermine the crippled epistemology of believers by planting doubts about the theories and stylized facts that circulate within such groups, thereby introducing beneficial cognitive diversity. (Page 219.)

Cognitive diversity my ass. It disgusts me of what has become of our public servants. People like Sunstein are playing the role of managing the herd rather than being a servant of the people. The role of government should be the supporting of free speech and ideas rather than the curtailing of it. And then what government agency is supposed to be disrupting these groups? Our Founders would be appalled that this is what became of the Republic they founded.

Revolting, but of course this is nothing new. The FBI has used agent provocateurs for years to defame and disrupt everybody from the Black Panthers to the G8 protests.  Lee Oswald was most likely one when he was trying to infiltrate the DRE in the summer of 1963. The CIA went to the trouble to write up a handbook on dealing with Warren Report critics through their shills in the mainstream press. The same song and dance, only now couched in the fancier words of the next generation of lawyers. People like Sunstein treat government pronouncements as if they are the word of God etched in stone, above reproach. Our Founders did not trust the government, that is why they sought to limit their powers through a Constitution and Bill of Rights. How far we have fallen...

Ultimately, it shows how afraid they are of free speech and free thought; how desperately they want us to believe them despite the continuous lies and defiance of the rule of law. The only conspiracy theories they are comfortable with are the “official” narratives coming from the Imperial Federal Government. And of course, that is the source of the problem as so many explanations from government investigations for events don’t wash. The JFK/RFK/MLK assassinations and in more recent times, the 9/11 attacks being a case(s) in point. 

If their official investigation results are true, then what do they have to fear? As the editor at said, “I thought they were secure with their “version” of what happened on 9/11?” The same thing they had to fear from Jim Garrison’s little state trial of Clay Shaw which the Feds worked overtime to disrupt. So scared they had to bring in everybody from the majors to the farm teams to rip that one to shreds.

Further on Cass Sunstein makes the point that conspiracy beliefs are not born in irrationality or mental illness (thanks!) but from a limited amount of sources the believers can trust in. Of course, this is nonsense and shows how out of touch these Harvard elites are. I believe in a conspiracy to assassination JFK but I never limit myself to source materials either pro or con. Notice the idea of people going through the evidence and forming their own ideas has no play here. I guess we are not allowed our own ideas as Father knows best, right?

Sunstein himself is apparently no fan of free speech. In his book, On Rumors: How Falsehoods Spread, Why We Believe Them, What Can Be Done, he shows a distain for bloggers, raising methods of how to contain them and their comments (libel lawsuits). So concerned, he envisions a future where “people's beliefs are a product of social networks working as echo chambers in which false rumors spread like wildfire." If only the 9/11 Commission had this ability! Or the Warren Commission before them. Of course, they did pretty well with shills in the mainstream press (operation Mockingbird) for decades but that is mostly over now with the advent of the Internet giving the public the ability to be a pamphleteer from the comfort of home. Note: This does not apply to anything the government would say, only critics and doubters of the official narratives. 

As Rob Balsamo, founder of Pilots for 9/11 Truth, said: “We have not located any independently verified data which confirms the government’s story..." Maybe if they would not hide everything away as a State Secret the people would be more accepting of official explanations of the tragedies that befall us. Sunstein could care less about this as it’s the individual that is at fault here and not the government’s way of explaining things. That is why it is so unique that the Warren Commission released so much data in the 26 volumes of evidence. (A lot of which contradicts the official report.) Commission member Allen Dulles wasn’t worried about it; he told Hale Boggs that the people wouldn’t bother reading it. Well, they would if given easy access to it, which for years they were not. He never saw the rise of the internet and personal computers and the evidence being available to all. But they learned their lesson as no other official investigation will release their evidence now. They are, in effect, their own worst enemy in all of this. It is not us. The Cass Sunstein’s of the world have painted the critics as the enemy. And shame on him.

Sunstein, Cass, Vermeule, Adrian, J. Political Philosophy, 7 2009, 202-227

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Mysterious Package

One of the more obscure pieces of evidence in the Kennedy assassination is the package mailed to Lee Oswald shortly before the assassination from Irving, Texas. There are two things wrong with it. One, the street address was wrong and two, there was insufficient postage. There was no return address either. Discovered in the dead letter department of the Irving, Texas post office two weeks after the assassination, it was a package Oswald never saw.  It will never be known if he knew this second bag was being mailed to him. The framing of a guilty man?

The Package Contents
The package was discovered by C. G. Twilley on December 4, 1963. It was addressed to Lee Oswald, but the address was for 601 West Nassau Street. A street that did not exist in Dallas, Texas. The package was short $.12 on the postage. Odd, as it was metered postage and not stamps.

The package was opened by Dallas Postmaster Harry Holmes, a controversial figure in the course of the investigation. (He was the only non-police officer to question Oswald.) The package contained a long, empty paper bag similar to the one found in the sixth floor of the Texas school book depository building (CE142). This original bag was 38 x 8.5 inches in length. It is assumed Oswald made the bag to sneak the rifle into the building but Troy West who worked in the shipping department states that he never saw Oswald there. Apparently, only one witness, Wesley Frasier saw Oswald with the package. (He later flunked his polygraph examination.) Also, Oswald’s fingerprints were never found on the paper bag discovered by Dallas police detectives, just as his fingerprints were never found on the money order he is supposed to have used to order the rifle with.

So here we have a second paper bag, basically identical to the one found on the sixth floor. This means that either Oswald was truly a nut that went around mailing empty paper bags to himself using phony addresses, which also would incriminate him for the crime; or two, he was part of a conspiracy and his fellow conspirators knew of his role in the plot and were out to frame him for the assassination to make sure he would be arrested.  A package mailed without sufficient postage, with no return address to a non-existent mailing address is a package designed to arrive at a location and mostly, meant to be discovered.  Which it would be as the FBI was keeping a watch on  all mail arriving to Lee Oswald after the assassination and after his death as well.

The Postage Due Card
As if all of this were not strange enough, on November 23, a post due card arrived at Ruth Paine’s address at 2515 W. 5th Street in Irving. It’s $.12 due, just as the package with the phony Nassau street address was. But there is no package for Oswald waiting for him with Ruth Paine’s address on it. Only the one with the Nassau address which is unknown till two weeks later. So the postage due card should never have been sent in the first place unless somebody at the post office knew Lee Oswald was using the 2515 W. 5th Street address as a drop-off. If that is the case, we’ll never know who or why.

So if you don’t want to believe in a conspiracy to kill John F. Kennedy then don’t. But you’ll always have the second paper bag, similar to the one Oswald supposedly used.

Who mailed him the other bag?


A deep discussion on the original paper bag uncovered on the 6th floor is at the JFK Board with loads of pictures and commentary from users. Highly recommended.

Armstrong, John, Harvey and Lee; Marrs, Jim, Crossfire;; (Probe Magazine article archive)