Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Book: The Final Analysis


Doctors David W. Mantik and Jerome Corsi’s book on the JFK assassination and why the CIA was behind it, featuring a full overview of forensic evidence.

Book available here:

Interview with Dr. Jerome Corsi about the book and the assassination of president John F. Kennedy at Judge Napolitano’s Judging Freedom podcast:

Monday, March 25, 2024

James DiEugenio on the Koncrete Podcast

James DiEugenio


Noted JFK assassination researcher James DiEugenio appeared on Koncrete, Podcast, S1 E149 in August 16, 2022.

And excellent presentation of the highlights of assassination research.  Highly recommended!  

From the Koncrete Podcast

James DiEugenio is cofounder of the Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination and the Coalition on Political Assassinations. He was coeditor of The Assassinations, a book on the deaths of JFK, MLK, Robert Kennedy, and Malcolm X. 

Koncrete link:

Jim's Links: 



Monday, March 11, 2024

How Life Magazine Manipulated Zapruder Film Frame Sequences


James Finn’s article exposing Life magazine’s tampering with Zapruder film frames to make sure the public believes the Warren Commission.  A must read for explaining this issue and the mainstream media’s intent to deceive the public.

If the official story is true, why manipulate Zapruder film frames to create a false narrative?

At Substack: