Tuesday, February 18, 2025

The Oswald and Paine Weekend Timeline

The lead up to the event in the fall of 1963.

"So what follows is the timeline of Lee Oswald’s weekends at Ruth Paine’s home from October to the last weekend before the assassination. It was chosen as there were so many sightings of Oswald at various locations, mainly the shooting range, on the weekends when Ruth Paine is maintaining that Lee was at her house on those days except for the last weekend before the assassination when he stayed at the rooming house. Perhaps she was not lying at all, if there is an impersonator in play. Warren Commission lawyers knew there were problems in Ruth’s testimony as so many people were seeing Lee at the Sports Drome Rifle Range when he wasn’t supposed to have been there. Eventually, they just had to let it all be."

More at my Substack:


Thursday, February 13, 2025

JFK Trivia

Updated post from Oswald's Mother 10/13/2009

Amaze your friends!  Confound the skeptics!  It’s time for friends for Kennedy Trivia revolving around the .  Actually, more like one coincidence and mystery piled upon another.


Texas oilman, D.H. Byrd was the owner of Texas School book depository. Interestingly enough, he was the founder of the Civil Air Patrol. Lee Oswald was a member of the CAP as a teenager. Ironically enough, he would be in the same building owned by Byrd the day of the assassination and later implicated in the crime.

The person hired to write the final draft of the Warren Commission Report was a German named Otto Winnacker. He was brought to the US after WWII under Operation Paperclip. He was officially one of 26 Nazi historians that worked personally for Adolph Hitler, compiling the history of the Third Rich. A former Nazi finished the final report.

Lee Oswald, through being a defector to Russia, got a loan from the State Department for almost $500. Him, his wife Marina, and their month old Daughter June, traveled back to America on the SS Maasdam, a Holland America luxury liner. There is an SS Maasdam ship still in service, though a completely rebuilt vessel from the one Oswald and family sailed on.

Full article at Substack:


Monday, February 3, 2025

The Pass Through Shot


ARRB testimony destroys the lone gunman theory.

Latest post a Substack.

The ARRB operated from 1994 to 1998.  Their mission is to compile documents from government agencies, declassify documents and take testimony under oath from witnesses.  It was an important project to bring some transparency to JFK assassination research even though it uncovered additional mysteries.  Such as autopsy photographer John Stringer stating the film he was reviewing, which were supposed to be the originals he shot in 1963, were of a totally different brand name of than what he used.  Meaning the transparencies were duplicates and not the original archived film he shot.  What happened here?  It’s never been resolved. 

Full article here:


Thursday, January 23, 2025

At Long Last


President Trump today signs the EO to release the files of the three greatest American assassinations of the 20th century.  

From CBS News:

Trump signs executive order to release more JFK, RFK, MLK assassination files

By Stefan Becket, Kathryn Watson

January 23, 2025 / 4:00 PM EST / CBS News

“President Trump announced that he'll declassify any remaining files from the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. He signed an executive order at the White House Thursday.

After an aide announced the president was signing the executive action "ordering the declassification of files relating to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and Dr. Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.," Mr. Trump said, "That's a big one, huh? A lot of people are waiting for this for a long — for years, for decades."

The president instructed his aide to give the pen he used to sign the order to Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of the late Robert F. Kennedy and Mr. Trump's nominee to run the Department of Health and Human Services. The elder Kennedy served as U.S. attorney general, New York senator and was a Democratic presidential candidate when he was slain in 1968.”



May take a long time before any of the thousands of documents are released.  The CIA is known to drag their feet over file releases.  But, at least the progress has started.

Monday, October 28, 2024

Sixtieth Anniversary of the Warren Report

James DiEugenio's On the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Warren Report is available at the Kennedys And King assassination investigation site.  This is an excellent overview of the main points of the Warren Commission Report.  The Warren Report is basically government issued propaganda supported by a compliant media.  Its failings are why the majority of the public doesn’t believe the official story of John Kennedy’s death and started the overall decline of public trust in the government.  As has been seen over the years since 1964 this lack of trust has not been misplaced. 

As DiEugenio explains, 

“Yet, both CBS and NBC broadcast specials on the Warren Report on the day it was issued to the public.  How could anyone have read the 888 pages, digested it, and then put together, respectively, a 2 hour program, and a 1 hour program vouching for the validity of that report?  For that is what happened.  The NBC show was hosted by Frank McGee and supported by Tom Pettit, who was right on the scene when Jack Ruby killed Lee Oswald. The CBS special was hosted by Walter Cronkite, with Dan Rather in support.  Was doing such a thing not a violation of journalistic ethics?  It was the equivalent of taking a government press release and announcing it as factually truthful to tens of millions of people, without any review.”

Read more here:
