Certainly the wrong ones from what he allegedly ordered. Take for example the .38 Smith & Wesson pistol. The company it was ordered from, Seaport Traders, had two models available. An expensive one known as the S&W .38 Special Commando and another version that was ten dollars cheaper. All the paperwork on this from Seaport Traders, since none was found in Oswald’s things, has him ordering the cheaper model. But when he was arrested in the movie theater, he had on his person the more expensive, Special Commando model.
Conversely, the alleged assassination weapon, the Mannlicher-Carcano is the wrong model too. Oswald is supposed to have ordered the rifle from Kline’s Sport Goods in March of 1963. At that time Kline’s was only selling the 36” length model. But found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository building was the 40” model that Kline’s was no longer stocking.
With one weapon, say the pistol, one can chalk it up to a clerical error; obviously mistakes happen. But this happened with the purchase of both weapons? Note also that Oswald is never known to have visited any local gun shop and bought any bullets. (It should be noted that the rifle came with no clip–where did he acquire it?) In his personal effects there were no receipts for their purchase or spare ammo boxes. Very odd since all gun owners have boxes of ammo about. It is intriguing to consider that when visiting the shooting range Oswald was seen to have plenty of ammo to practice with. Yet when he supposedly did the “deed” he only used four bullets in a six round clip. Maybe not so much would be required of the patsy in this event. And when using the pistol to allegedly murder police officer Tippit, he was using different brands of bullets, as marked on the brass. Of course, they are not sold individually. They have to come in boxes. Yet he has none. No one ever saw him buy any.
(Another curious fact at the shooting range was that Oswald was seen collecting spent hulls and pocketing them. I’ve wondered if Oswald never fired a shot that day, evidenced by no nitrites in the paraffin test, and he just simply tossed the spent rounds from the range on the floor to make it appear he took the shots.)
So here is another mystery in and already puzzling affair. And this is just a tiny fragment in a much larger display of fragments in the case. The paperwork is a mess too. In another article of mine, Who Bought The Guns?, I go into greater detail all the problems with that. Once you start down the rabbit trail you see how problematic the assassination is and how strange it all gets. Probably the most strangest thing is in the most simplest of acts, such as Oswald buying a money order to purchase a rifle. This is fastened with a multitude of complications.
I think the only viable explanation is that Oswald was provided the guns. A phony paper trail was created, and not a very good one at that, as conspirators probably had established methods to control a future investigation. The good ones plan ahead but were eventually sloppy and could afford to be. As sloppy as using for proof, a money order lacking the routing stamps to show it had been processed through the banking system (all three were missing) and then presented this flawed item for verification. So bad, it’s devoid of the alleged shooter’s fingerprints. It’s later found in the National Archives and nobody explains how it got there as that is a place for important documents to be stored and in the March of 1963, Oswald’s money order was just another instrument in circulation (though apparently not in the proper circulation as it should have ended up in the postal facility in Kansas City). In this last bit, it is as if they were safely compiling evidence before the crime was even committed! I don’t fancy that but one does wonder about such curious events.
The important thing with the guns is this: They were both upgrades. Call it an order error, a simple twist of fate or whatever you will, but Oswald won better guns out of this deal. He got a better quality pistol and in regards to the rifle, a longer barrel provides improved accuracy and range. It’s a short barreled weapon anyway, as the Mannlicher-Carcano was an Italian copy of a German Mauser carbine, the sort of short-barreled weapon that harkens back to the days of cavalry.
While Lee Oswald may have been a bit player in Cold War theater, and this can be discerned through his many peculiar actions, it has never let up. It’s called “Psyops” now for psychological operations. We see it today in the actions of Adam Gadahn, the alleged “American Al-Qaeda” spokesman spewing forth internet videos calling for violence upon the West. (For some odd reason also called the American Taliban but there is no evidence he speaks for them.) None of the mainstream media will tell the public what a faker this guy is. Even the New Media such as the Huffington Post referred to him as “a highly influential al Qaeda figure born in America…” Real name–Adam Pearlman. He’s not Arabic but Jewish and his grandfather was on the board of the Anti-Defamation League. Highly influential? Says who, the U.S. government? Who in al Qaeda says that about him? Remember who founded al Qaeda–elements of the CIA and MI6.
Gadahn/Pearlman supposedly converted to Islam in 1995 at the age of 17 but that may have been as real as Lee Oswald playing a Marxist on TV in 1963. (These players start out young–Oswald had his purported interest in communism under way by this same age.) As usual, it all amounts to one big deception by the major players.
So the smoke clears and it’s the same old thing we’ll never know about for certain. But there sure are a lot of footprints around here.
Armstrong, John, Harvey and Lee; Mars, Jim, Crossfire; The Warren Report