Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Ten Reasons Why The Warren Commission Failed

"...the Warren Commission was not, in some respects, an accurate presentation of all the evidence available to the Commission or a true reflection of the scope of the Commission's work, particularly on the issue of possible conspiracy in the assassination."

The Final Report of the House Select Committee on Assassinations 

Actually, I got this idea from Len Osanic of Black Op Radio when he called for 50 reasons why the Warren Commission is wrong in its final conclusion that Lee Oswald acted alone and was the sole killer of the President of the United States. I decided to slash it down to ten reasons for the purpose of brevity here, but certainly one could strive for many more than just ten.

Off we go....

#1. Dr. Joseph Dolce’s test disproves the Single Bullet Theory.

Dr. Joseph Dolce was the Army’s chief ballistic wounds expert and chairman of the Army’s ballistic wounds committee. He was tasked by the Warren Commission, along with another expert, Dr. Fredrick Light Jr., to test the single bullet theory using Oswald’s rifle to replicate CE399, the so-called “pristine” bullet. After shooting ten cadaver radial bones (the same bone struck and broken in Gov. Connelly’s wrist wound), the experiment did not replicate any bullet resembling CD399 at all. As Dr. Dolce stated in an interview in 1986, each of the ten test fired bullets were in his words, “markably deformed.” Dr. Dolce was not called to give testimony to the Warren Commission, much to his surprise, and his findings were buried in a report, published by the U. S. Army Edgewood Arsenal in March of 1965, that was classified “confidential” for 8 years before being placed in the NARA. 

Drs. Dolce and Light conclusively disproved and demolished the government’s case regarding the SBT, which resulted in the covering up of their findings. (If refusing to take the sworn testimony of Dr. Dolce, taking his and Dr. Light’s names off the final report, and classifying it for eight years is not a cover-up, then what is?)

Source: Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust, Chapter 8, p.187. Chapter notes page 417 (note 18) and page 418 (note 25).

Report: Wound Ballistics of 6.5- MM Mannlicher-Carcano, Drs. Oliver and Dziemian, NARA. 

#2. 26 Volumes of collected evidence contradict the Warren Report.

During the course of the investigation, the Warren Commission was handed a wealth of material from various government agencies such as the FBI, CIA, Secret Service and so on. The report is based on this evidence and hearings they conducted and stored in the 26 volumes which constitutes over 50,000 pages. 

As stated on, “Volumes 1-5 are hearings conducted by the Commission members in Washington DC. Volumes 6-15 are hearings conducted by staff attorneys on location in Dallas, New Orleans, and other locations. Volume 15 also contains an index to names and exhibits. Volumes 16-26 contain photographed Commission Exhibits, usually abbreviated to CE.”

At least one Warren Commission member, Hale Boggs, expressed his concern about releasing this information to the public. But fellow member Allen Dulles told him not to be concerned as the American people would have little interest. For a time the 26 volumes were only accessible to a select few so that almost came to pass. With the arrival of the Internet, the volumes are all scanned and online (links below).

It should be noted that many investigations in recent years no longer include such an abundance of information. Because it shows how testimony is assembled and what is ignored to form a consensus for a report. There is for example, enough witness testimony gathered to form a conclusion of extra shooters and hence, a conspiracy. However, there is not enough evidence to name the shooters. 

Numerous conflicts occur between the Warren Report and the included testimony. In the same cases, the evidence collected contradicts itself. For example, two sets of educational records for Lee Oswald have him attending two different schools at the same exact time period. One set has Oswald enrolled in PS #44 in New York; the other set has him enrolled in Beauregard Junior High in New Orleans also in the fall of 1953. Which one is correct? If one is false then what is it doing here? Yet another mystery the WC never addresses.

Another glaring example of an evidentiary conflict between the compiled evidence volumes and the Warren Report, is whether or not Lee Oswald could take delivery of any mail/packages under his alias, Alek Hidell. From the Warren Report: “It is not known whether the application for post office box 2915 listed ‘A. Hidell’ as a person entitled to receive mail at this box.” They even went as far to state that the application had been disposed of when the box was closed in May 1963 (WC Report p.78). This is a blatant deception. A copy of the application is published in Volume 19 in the 26 volumes. It listed Lee Oswald’s name only on the form. (Armstrong, pp.476-477; Vol. 19, p.286.)

Sources:  John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee; The Warren Commission



#3. Single Bullet Theory created by lawyers, not ballistic experts.

The STB, long thought to be the invention of then staff attorney Arlen Specter, was in reality, cobbled together by the staff lawyers. This was admitted to in a telephone interview conducted by Vince Bugliosi with Norman Redlich on 9/20/05. Redlich stated that the meeting included, besides himself, Arlen Specter, David Belin, Howard Willens and Mel Eisenberg. It was decided to let Specter be the lead husky on the STB and run with it. He also stated in his book Passion For Truth that when researcher Edward Jay Epstein declared Specter as the inventor of the STB that he was “glad to take on the mantle of authorship...” As Bugliosi points out in his Endnotes, one doesn’t have to take on the mantle if one is truly the author of it. Indeed. (Bugliosi, Endnotes, #461, pp.303 & 306)

So, a group of non-ballistic experts, lawyers, got together in a cabal of their own and came up with the Single Bullet Theory. This represents another flaw in the investigation because when it’s tested by experienced and qualified ballistic experts, such as those mentioned in reason #1 above, it cannot be replicated in any meaningful way. This in turn, has sparked the endless debate down through the decades, which lasts to this very day.

The single bullet in effect, never happened. But it makes for a good story.

Sources: Vince Bugliosi, Reclaiming History, Endnotes; Arlen Specter, Passion For Truth, p.82

#4. Resolved early on not to investigate Oswald’s background.

Every so often a researcher will obtain documents through a FOIA request and it’s apparent why the files were classified to begin with–something needs to be buried. Legendary researcher Harold Weisberg uncovered such gems as the 1/22/63 closed-door secret meeting where the Commissioners decided not to pursue any leads on Oswald being a government informant/agent (despite what they said in public to the contrary). Their fear–that if they discovered Oswald was a government agent, then the public might not believe the lone gunman story. This shows how politicized the investigation was at this point. Notice their concern about this issue and not any desire expressed to follow all leads wherever they may go (McKnight p.89).

The Commission members feared what they were discussing was so explosive they ordered all records of the meeting to be destroyed. However, some good soul preserved the stenographer’s tape which lay hidden in the National Archives till Mr. Weisberg’s FOIA lawsuit dislodged it (McKnight pp.133-134; p.402, note 1).

Also of note, is seeing how much Hale Boggs feared J. Edgar Hoover finding out what they were talking about. Actually, unbeknownst to Boggs, Hoover had an informant, Boggs’ fellow Commission member Gerald Ford (Gentry, p.557). And Hoover was so hacked off he sent the Commission a letter to read on the 27th informing them that Oswald was never used as an informant by the FBI. Hoover did this at the risk of exposing his inside man, Ford.

So if Lee Oswald was a spy or a government agent, as his mother said in her sworn testimony and to researchers in later years, the Warren Commission was never going to find out.

Sources:  Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust, Chapter 4, p.89. Chapter 6 note 1 (Harold Weisberg’s FOIA). Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets, p.555; Ford as informant, p.557.

#5. Spent little time investigating a conspiracy. 

As Gaeton Fonzi reported in his book, The Last Investigation, the Warren Commission lawyers had established six major areas of inquiry and four of them were centered around Lee H. Oswald (Fonzi p.18). As former staff attorney Judge Burt Griffen added, “We spent virtually no time investigating the possibility of conspiracy. I wish we had.” (See link below.)

The dogma of lone gunman was established early on by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and shortly after the assassination. As detailed in #7 Hoover strong-armed and guided the Commission on the path of lone gunman behind the scenes till it soon became ingrained in the deliberations of Warren Commission members. However, some never did get on board with the theory, with Sen. Richard Russell being chief among them. Later Lyndon Johnson would tell Walter Cronkite in an interview that he never believed in the lone gunman theory. After second thoughts he asked CBS to delete the comment, under the grounds of National Security. David Talbot in Brothers, recounts how many media insiders had their doubts as well, but they did little about it.

Later, a "hegemony" would develop in the mainstream press supporting the lone gunman concept as well, one that it would never recover from, no matter what facts are presented to the contrary. The CIA had developed and implemented Operation Mockingbird in the late 1940s to control the media with shills planted in the mainstream press. They came in handy with Warren Commission critics. Early on, there were opposing voices, but they were regulated to publishing books or writing articles for obscure publications. Only in the past 10-15 years with the advent of the Internet has a striking amount of dissenting views been allowed and widely discussed. 

Sources:  Gaeton Fonzi, The Last Investigation; David Talbot, Brothers

Link: Burt Griffen quote.

Links:  Ross Frank Ralston 1999 doctoral dissertation on hegemony in the media.

Operation Mockingbird

#6 Did not utilize independent investigators. 

Unlike Gaeton Fonzi, Eddie Lopez and many others that were hired as investigators for the House Select Committee on Assassinations, the Warren Commission had no such investigators on staff. The Commission raised the ire of Hoover when lead council J. Lee Rankin floated the idea (McKnight p.93; Gentry p.553). After all, investigation was the modus operandi of the Bureau and Hoover was simply not going to allow that. This made the Commission wholly depend upon the FBI and other agencies to supply them all investigative materials who in turn, did not supply them with everything they needed. In some instances, the FBI edited out information (or ignored requests) that might be perceived as embarrassing to the Bureau and hence, Director Hoover personally. This compromised any attempt to uncover the truth as to what happened.

Sources:  Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust; Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets.

#7. Warren Commission bullied and dominated by J. Edgar Hoover.

“From its inception, Hoover treated the Warren Commission as an adversary,” Curt Gentry observed in his biography of FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover. People today do not know how feared Hoover was. He was one of the meanest, vindictive public servants to ever serve in government. He was known to break many a man, using any means at his disposal, which were immense. Of course Hoover is famous for his blackmail files on everybody he considered a rival and that was part of his leverage he had over others, which included numerous 

Presidents. He had plenty of dirt on all of the WC members and their staff. 

Besides being under pressure to produce a report at a specified time for Lyndon Johnson, the Warren Commission had to contend with Hoover’s tactics which included stalling documents and other evidence and then as the deadline approached, deluging the materials at the last minute, knowing the staff wouldn’t have the time to adequately examine everything. He also instructed his agents not to volunteer anything other than what was requested by the Commission or their staff lawyers (Gentry p.552).

It was J. Edgar Hoover’s notion that Lee Oswald acted alone in assassinating President Kennedy. He determined this within 24 hours of the assassination and it remains a mystery as to how and why this conclusion was reached before the Agency had a chance to investigate the crime. It’s a common occurrence in many other tragic events like this. Remember Bin Laden being credited with the 9/11 attacks a few hours after they occurred? Whatever the reason, Hoover constantly bullied, intimidated and steered the Warren Commission in the direction he wanted–away from any conspiracies and towards the sole culprit–Lee Oswald. 

And in the end, he got the result he wanted.

Sources:  Curt Gentry, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets; Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust.

#8. Repeatedly used faulty or unauthenticated evidence.

Since the lone gunman is the only game in town, only evidence that completes the theory is allowed. And if that evidence or witness testimony is flawed it didn’t seem to matter to the Warren Commission. It starts out with Gerald Ford moving Kennedy’s back wound to the back of the neck to devise a believable single bullet theory, to the Ida Dox illustration (F-20) of a tiny hole in the back of the President’s head, supposedly drawn from the original autopsy photograph, that is not seen in the original image. She apparently used “artistic license” and made it up to please the Commission. We now know that something as simple as Oswald buying the alleged murder weapons can be shown to be based on a forged paper trail (Armstrong pp.431-486). Even the most famous piece of evidence, the so-called “pristine bullet” labeled CE399, has no FBI FD-302 file in existence (Bugliosi, Note 979, p.545). 

Sources:  John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee; The Warren Commission

Report; Vince Bugliosi, Reclaiming History Endnotes.


Ida Dox Illustration.

#9 Allowed top government officials to exonerate themselves.

Top officials such as CIA Director John McCone and FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover were allow to submit testimony first as pro forma affidavits and later in person with the Commission. Hoover’s appearance was the only session of a witness being filmed (150 minutes, McKnight p.148). Both were allowed to state that Lee Oswald had not been employed by either agency. The Commission made no effort to verify the truthfulness of these statements and to be fair, it would have been troublesome to do with no independent investigators on staff and little access to documents that both Agencies were dribbling out a drop at a time.

Sources:  Gerald McKnight, Breach of Trust.

#10. Concealed too much evidence from the press and public. 

Despite the efforts of legislation such as the JFK Records Act, and the work of the ARRB in the late 1990’s, there are still a lot of files regarding the Kennedy assassination remain classified for reasons of “National Security.” It seems that every investigation from the Warren Commission, the various smaller ones down through years to the final one, the House Select Committee on Assassinations, adds to the growing hoard of evidence withheld from public scrutiny. This breeds suspicion among the citizenry and a growing sense of mistrust that they were not told the truth by the government. If people don’t believe their story of lone gunman, it is their own fault for being so secretive–and at times, unnecessarily so.

A few examples: Marguerite Oswald’s tax returns from 1956 to 1962 are still sealed (Armstrong pp.197 & 274). Lee Oswald’s tax returns are still being withheld from the years 1957, 1960 and 1961. So is his certificate of live birth. DA Jim Garrison discovered in his investigation that Michael and Ruth Paine’s tax returns from 1956 to 1958 were classified for reasons of National Security (during years of supposedly being farmers). Garrison also reports Some 29 files on Michael Paine’s family were classified by the Warren Commission as well as Ruth’s sister, a known CIA agent. Lee’s cousin Marilyn Murret had all 23 pages of her testimony to the HSCA in 1977 classified. (It should be noted that the HSCA had to get permission from the CIA before taking her testimony, an indication of previous involvement with the Agency.)

All of those hidden documents, including those just mentioned, are still concealed to this day. Oswald’s mother’s tax returns are still kept from public scrutiny. Why? Why is this necessary? Unless of course, her tax returns tell a totally different story of her actions and movements during the aforementioned time period. Which would of course, breed more distrust if known. 

Sources: Jim Garrison, On The Trail of the Assassins, p.315, note 63 -- Heritage of Stone, pp.115-116 (hardback, pp.134-135); John Armstrong, Harvey and Lee.


LHO tax records.

Dallas Police Department files

Additional Notes and Errata

Some page numbers listed for references may not jibe between the paperback and hardback editions. For example, the quote from the Warren Report in #2, is from the large format paperback edition published in 2007 and may be in variance with hardback editions subsequently published. The same is true and noted in #10, in regards to Jim Garrison’s Heritage of Stone.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

JFK Stood Against Tyranny

“The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie—deliberate, contrived and dishonest—but the myth—persistent, persuasive and unrealistic. Too often we hold fast to the cliches of our forebears. We subject all facts to a prefabricated set of interpretations. We enjoy the comfort of opinion without the discomfort of thought.”
John F. Kennedy

Last year I posted an article on the where the JFK assassination has led us to this day in history. In other words, a downward spiral from our Constitutional Republic to a police state. Since then, not much has changed my view and in fact, has gotten much worse. With President Obama's recent signing of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the closing days of 2011, otherwise known as the “Indefinite Detention Act,” which allows the President to detain any American citizen indefinitely without due process, the legal foundation of a toleration state is now upon us and codified into law. It's a scary, shocking and disturbing development, one has been slowly building since the Patriot act was signed into law shorty after the 9-11 attacks. It shows that the people in government that run our country no longer believe in the Constitution, the rule of law, or liberty. They are all, in effect, a gang of traitors. They are more fearful of an American armed with a loaded firearm and a knowledge of the Constitution than they are of any supposed terrorist attack.

I guess a government is only as good as those people in office that will obey the law.

John Kennedy, are you looking at us from a celestial abode and seeing these developments? Your loss in reining in the various Kingdoms of the CIA, the Pentagon and other enemies of the Republic, is our loss as well. Your death let them seal their grip over the reins of power so the Presidents that serve now are mere puppets.

Recently I saw the movie, Elizabeth, The Golden Age. Cate Blanchett reprises her role of the Virgin Queen. In one agonizing part, after uncovering the plot by her sister Mary, Queen of Scots to have her assassinated, she has to sign the death warrant for Mary's execution. She struggles with her conscience and finally her chief advisor tells her she has to sign it as Mary violated the law with her act of conspiracy and treason. Elizabeth responds testily that laws are for the common folk, not for people of her ilk. The "Devine right of Kings" vivid in her mind, playing a major and deciding role in her thinking. It wasn't a display of hubris. This is how these people think.

How fitting this is for Kings of the 21st century! They still think this way. The laws apply to us, not them. Notice how elected officials do just about anything they want and are rarely brought to justice. Congressmen and woman commit acts of insider trading and it's of little legal consequence to them. Attorney General Eric Holder lies to Congress and life goes on. Anybody remember Congressman Charles Rangel of New York? Found cheating on his taxes and all he gets is a congressional slap on the wrist and he's still there, his jovial self once again. A doctor on the Coast to Coast AM show talked of how he tried to get an appointment to see his congresswoman, Barbara Boxer, and was told she no longer takes appointments with constituents. Apparently being a public servant is no longer in her job description.

It's quite obvious that the people of the United States are being conditioned to life in a police state. It has just happened. In a recent article it was reported here in my home state of Florida in the town of Leesburg, agents from the DHS drive up, surround and enter a Social Security office (LINK). One agent stood out front, sporting a flack jacket and sub-machine gun and randomly checks the IDs of people going in and out of the Social Security office. And the people there submitted. Just like the people of Germany easily submitted to Hitler.

They later said it was a training exercise. Then why not warn the public of this? The elderly people entering the building had no idea what was going on. And besides that, how many terrorists lurk around Social Security offices anyway? The idea of armed Federal agents showing up checking identification in this manner is ridiculous and unnecessarily intimidating. Either they are playing security theater or else they are out to condition the public to get used to being treated as slaves in a police state.

As I stated earlier, the Feds are not afraid of terrorism as they are afraid of YOU. We've got more guns than them. And they know it.

An informed population scares them too. Look at them constantly trying to implement an Internet kill switch. You would think in a time of national emergency the Internet would be the very thing you should keep in operation for the free flow of information. But no! The internet is the only thing they don't have any control over. It's probably the last thing standing because of the understanding that government controls so much of it (search: William Colby; operation mocking bird). Just think how things would be now if we were back in the 1960s with only three television networks and practically all radio stations playing mostly music and little talk. The cat is out of the bag.

And that is where the modern day pamphleteers, the bloggers, come in. They really hate us as we have no overseers. We are truly independent. Of course, they have ways to further slime us as in other forms of popular media. Such as the movie I saw over the weekend, Contagion. It's your standard virus outbreak movie with the customary, predictable plot lifted from an old Star Trek show. A mysterious virus erupts and the only person ahead of the curve is a blogger played by Jude Law. The heroes are all government doctors and researchers who come to the rescue with a vaccine at the last minute (remember Bones brewing up a batch on the Enterprise?).

And if there is any villain in the story, apart from the virus, it's the blogger! He is eventually shown to be a liar and fraud and gets arrested for what I guess is insider trading for a drug that he promotes on his web site. Of course, in our modern age only vaccines are real medicine anyway. But I’m sure you get the drift here. The blogger is just a kook outsider conspiracy theorist, that in the end doesn't know what he is talking about. When the blogger announces he's a writer, he is promptly shot down by a government doctor played by Laurence Fishburne. The good doctor dismisses him of that notion. Of course, this the same view the mainstream media has of bloggers and independent internet writers in general. (Probably the government too though they do enjoy reading blogs. Enough agencies show up to read this one.)

So the media war on bloggers continues as the tyranny of the State uses more subtle means to propagandize the public and attack its critics.

Would John F. Kennedy has signed a draconian piece of legislation as the NDAA? Of course not. Unlike this current crowd of criminals, JFK believed in liberty. It should be noted other Presidents have signed NDAA when it comes up for renewal. This one however, was different when they added on the extra powers for the President to arrest anybody he wanted, citizens or non-citizens both here and anywhere in the world, and order a “hit” on them without the Constitutional guarantees of due process. Ironically, President Obama said at first he would never sign it with these added stipulations, while at the same time, he had his lawyers go to Congress and ask for such powers behind the public’s back. This President possesses a deceitful character and should not be trusted by anyone.

The basic rule in the coming days ahead is to know your Constitutional rights and stand your ground. You will be tested.

Further Reading
One of the first people arrested under the Patriot Act was a Michael Galardi, a Los Vegas strip club owner. LINK

Another early arrest on the under the Patriot Act was Susan Lindauer’s. Read about her ordeal HERE.

Audio: Black Op Radio’s Len Osanic interviews Susan Lindauer, Show #560. LINK

Sunday, February 12, 2012

REAL DEAL - Jim Fetzer Podcasts

Lots of excellent interviews by Dr. James Fetzer with researchers on every major conspiracy topic. From JFK to 9/11. Some great info here! Also, all interviews can be downloaded as MP3s and are free.

Start listening at this LINK.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Podcast #1, Ozzie, Get Your Gun!

New for 2012--podcasting. Posted here is the link to my first one.

The podcast is about Lee Oswald and his obtaining the Mannlicher-Carcano and the anomalies surrounding this event.

To listen, right-click the link and download the MP3 file to your computer. Feel free to share this file anywhere you like online or forward to your friends.

File size: 13.7 megs.

Download, HERE.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero

Every so often I post a notice on good articles to be found elsewhere. Here is one by Jim DiEugenio at Consortium News called, “Why Mr. Hardball Found JFK Elusive.” A very good and concise review about Chris Matthews book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero.

As stated in the opening:

“For weeks, Chris Matthews has been flogging his book, Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero, driving it up the ranks of best-seller lists, but the biography is as superficial and clueless as the MSNBC pundit often is, missing Kennedy’s true complexity, writes James DiEugenio.”

A great read, not to be missed.

Find it HERE.