Article at Freedom Outpost:
CIA Coined and Weaponized The Label “Conspiracy Theory”
The inception of the C.I.A. was in 1947 and this “psych” dispatch went out in 1967. It is from that point on that the term “conspiracy theory” and “conspiracy theorist” have been shoved down our throats. It was weaponized, just as so many other labels have been used to distract, manipulate and change the narrative to suit their agenda.
Wednesday, December 26, 2018
New Post at Outward Trends
The Backup Crew
I first heard of the Apollo backup crew on the Clyde Lewis radio show, Ground Zero in 2016. Clyde’s guest was noted UFO researcher Richard Dolan. During the interview, he played an audio clip he had gotten from contacts in the aerospace industrial community regarding a conversation from Pete Conrad on Apollo 12 to mission control inquiring about a sighting of objects following them on the way to the moon. Incredibly, besides the reason of spent boosters and ejected panels, at the end of the exchange, it was suggested that maybe they were being followed by a “backup crew.”
Click the link below for the full article.
Monday, November 26, 2018
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
New Post at Outward Trends
NASA Document Implies No Go To Moon.
Chart found in document on the NASA Technical Report Server implies Apollo never made it to the moon.