Monday, August 19, 2013

5 decades later, some JFK probe files still sealed...

Excellent update to the ongoing hunt by journalist Jefferson Morley for information on CIA officer George Joannides and his connections to the DRE.

Mercury News, David Porter, AP:

"Five decades after President John F. Kennedy was fatally shot and long after official inquiries ended, thousands of pages of investigative documents remain withheld from public view. The contents of these files are partially known — and intriguing — and conspiracy buffs are not the only ones seeking to open them for a closer look."

Sunday, August 18, 2013

New Post at Outward Trends

New article at Outward Trends on the mystery of Barack Obama.  HERE

Friday, August 9, 2013

New Article Up By Bill Simpich

Researcher Bill Simpich has been writing an excellent series on the Legend building of Lee Oswald. Part 10: Nightmare in Mexico City is up at OpEdNews.  LINK  

Thursday, August 8, 2013

John Armstrong Site Refresh

John Armstrong, author of Harvey and Lee: How The CIA Framed Oswald,  has done a make-over of his web site with new information.  The book Harvey and Lee is also available through this site.